Tools: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Premiere Pro, Adobe XD

Crazy Rich Asians Food is a cookbook that flies you over to
the Little Red Dot, the country we know as Singapore. The
book has a number of famous Singaporean recipes, as well
as a little background on each dish. The idea was
inspired by my experience living in Singapore and wanting
to bring this delicious food back to my dining table no
matter where I am in the world. This cookbook is mainly for
foreigners wanting to experience Singaporean cuisine.
The names of each dish are also translated into Mandarin
(simplified Chinese), one of the main languages on the
island, and it is repeated throughout the recipe.

Crazy Rich Asians Food App is the app version of the cookbook. The app stays
consistent with the theme of the cookbook, but it is more innovative and
interactive with the user. Once the app is opened, it takes you to the sign-in
page as every user has their own profile. Like the cookbook, the app has
English and Mandarin translations of essential phrases. The home page was
inspired by the table of contents page of the cookbook. The app is very
user-friendly, minimalistic, and aesthetically pleasing to look at. I wanted to
keep it like this since some recipes get very complex and lengthy. The app
has a few feature buttons such as adding to favorites, sharing the recipe,
and writing notes.